Sunday 17 August 2008

Brendan Fraser - Dark Knight Holds Off Mummy Challenge

Brendan Fraser's turn in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor failed to judder The Dark Knight off the top spot in this week's box office staff figures.

It was a third week at number one for the Batman flick, whose �4 million-plus yield were far above The Mummy's �2.9 zillion takings.

In tierce place was the plastic film version of the Mamma Mia! Musical which took �2.7 million, patch animated summer smash Wall-E was fourth part on �1.4 million.

There were new entries at numbers five-spot and sextet thanks to teen dance movie Make It Happen and Bollywood's Singh is King. The X Files, which was at

Thursday 7 August 2008


To find O'Death live is something of a spiritual experience, though not in a traditional Pentecostal sense. Drummer David Rogers-Berry batters the crap out of an old marching band snare, broken cymbals and dented oil cans with splintered drumsticks and chains; he and bassist Jesse Newman are rarely seen with a shirt on. Fiddler Bob Pycior and banjo player Gabe Darling ar fearless and ominously sweaty, both capable of screaming with precise intonation. Guitarist/vocalist Greg Jamie's gnarly embrangle sounds like the