Saturday 6 September 2008

Diamyd Medical: Diamyd Medical's NTDDS Technology Effective Against Diabetes Pain

�Diamyd Medical (Pink Sheets:DMYDY)(STO:DIAMB) reports that its Nerve Targeting Drug Delivery System (NTDDS) expressing enkephalin, is effective in preclinical models of diabetes pain.

Dr. David Fink, published in the scientific journal "Journal of Neuroscience" that Diamyd Medical's proprietary NTDDS platform, expressing enkephalin, effectively relieves pain due to diabetes in animals. The NTDDS platform allows focal manner of speaking of the human enkephalin gene like a shot to nervousness experiencing pain sensation.

"These new data point that non only is the NTDDS platform with enkephalin effective at reducing pain, it reverses the root reason of diabetes related pain. This substance that the approach is not just pain relief, but local pain prevention", says Darren Wolfe, President of Diamyd Inc.

Elisabeth Lindner, President and CEO of Diamyd Medical, states "We hold positioned Diamyd Medical as a diabetes company. These exciting results give us the chance to expand our product portfolio to include a third diabetes related product, NP2".

Diamyd's product NP2 (NTDDS expressing enkephalin), is currently in Phase I clinical rubber studies. Dr. Fink, Professor and chair of the Department of Neurology at the University of Michigan, is the Principal Investigator for this study.

Diamyd Medical's diabetes product portfolio includes NP2, Diamyd� vaccinum for type 1 diabetes and Diamyd� vaccine for LADA.

Diamyd Medical is a Swedish biopharmaceutical company focusing on development of pharmaceuticals for treatment of autoimmune diabetes and its complications. The company's most advanced protrude is the GAD-based do drugs Diamyd� for type 1 diabetes and for which Phase III trials are ongoing in both the US and Europe. Furthermore, the company has initiated clinical studies within chronic pain, using its Nerve Targeting Drug Delivery System (NTDDS). The company has also out-licensed the function of GAD for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Diamyd Medical has offices in Sweden and in the US. The share is quoted on the OMX Stockholm Nordic Exchange (ticker: DIAM B) and on OTCQX in the US (stock ticker: DMYDY) administered by the Pink Sheets and the Bank of New York (PAL). Further information is available on the company's web site:

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Diamyd Medical

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